Tim Scott Runs Damage Control After Trump Insults Milwaukee, “He Obviously Only Meant The Blacks”

After the report that Trump insulted the RNC convention host city surfaced, Senator Tim Scott was tasked with running damage control to help Trump’s chances in the key swing state, “I’m begging you to not blow this out of proportion… he obviously only meant the blacks of Milwaukee,” Scott added, “It’s a big city and there are plenty of redeeming qualities, it’s just that, demographically speaking, if you’re only 38.8% good, then that’s pretty bad.” He went on to say that he and Trump love what the city has done with its lakefront areas, but that if they wanted to be a top American city, they would need to do a better job segregating it on explicitly racial grounds.

Scott finished his trip by making sure the convention center fit the RNC’s rigorous Jim-Crow-era standards for official events, “I walked through the and didn’t see a single ‘blacks only’ water fountain or bathroom, so we’ll have our work cut out for us to say the least,” he chuckled nervously, “like where I am supposed to get a drink hahah–”

UPDATE: After being rushed to Aurora St. Luke’s Medical Center, Senator Tim Scott received intravenous fluids and a change of pants and is reported to be recovering nicely.


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