Children Run In Fear As Active Republican Enters School

Apalachee students were hoping to get a break after Wednesday’s tragic shooting but no respite was given as Marjorie Taylor Green (active Republican) entered the school and stalked children from classroom to classroom, reminding everyone that AR-15 does not stand for “assault rifle 15.”

Green, who knows this one fact about guns and not much else, loudly reassured the fleeing children that the bullets that ripped through the bodies of their classmates may have belonged to an assault rifle, but that doesn’t mean it was an AR-15 that killed them. “The intellectual laziness of these kids is astounding,” Green said, “this is why it’s so important children in our country have access to a proper education. Otherwise they’ll make asses of themselves when their congresswoman visits,” she then pointed to her AR lapel pin and said, “you see this pistol grip? That’s how you can tell it’s an AR-15.”

Later, Green addressed the students in assembly with her trademark cyclopean gaze and said they could either look at themselves as victims, or they could be grateful that their homework load will likely be reduced for the foreseeable future.


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