Mike Stanley (Mechanic)
“How can I be a nationalist if I hate California?”
Retired Cover Band Bassist
“Someone of a lesser race would’ve lost their limbs to diabetes at this point.”
Youth Pastor
“Libs won’t talk about this but if God wasn’t caucasian then how could his Middle-Eastern son come out white?”
Jake "The Snake" Kowalczyk
“Oh I’m a white nationalist? That’s funny because I don’t remember lynching minorities and harassing jews and burning crosses and wearing white hoods at political rallies but I also have retrograde amnesia from a head injury I suffered on January 6th and to be completely honest that all sounds like stuff I’d be into… I just don’t recall any of it.”
Police Recruit
“I prefer ‘classically-trained, nouveau-Hitlerian anglocentrist’ but sure if you want to be reductive that’s fine I guess.”
Elon Musk
“People just like to throw around terms these days and I think it’s pretty harmful to label someone as a racist just because they look, talk, act, and think like a racist, use their entire workday shitposting on social media like a racist, or, for instance, spend $44 billion dollars to amplify the voices of racists when in reality that can all be explained away by my being a fucking moron.”
Jim, Janet, and June Cargill
“If this were an all white nation we’d feel obligated to pay our nanny a living wage and that is something we simply cannot afford to let happen.”
Stephen Miller
“I’m not saying white is the best all I’m saying is there’s only one color of skin that works perfectly on a lampshade.”